FarRail Tours

Booking Form

The booking form can also be obtained by mail from:
FarRail Tours, Sonnenburger Str. 68, D - 10439 Berlin
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Required information is marked in red.

Booking for tour
Main Tour Extension
( No Main Tour selected )   
Romania: Spring in the Carpathians: Narrow Gauge Steam, 05.04.2025 - 13.04.2025   
Flight option

Click on "flight inclusive" and we will book flights suitable for you in addition to the tour as featured in the itinerary.

A value is required.
from  A value is required.
I want to book different dates of the marked tour:
First name on passport A value is required.
Middle name on passport
Last name on passport A value is required.
Address A value is required.
City A value is required.
Post-code A value is required.
Country A value is required.
Telephone (home/work) A value is required.
Telephone (mobile)
Email A value is required. Invalid email address format.

Date of birth A value is required. Invalid date format, please use dd.mm.yyyy
Passport number A value is required.

Tour price
Land Only discount (if selected):
Single room supplement
Total tour price
Arrangement for small groups (if applicable)
Please take out a foreign health insurance and, if necessary, a travel cancellation insurance.
I agree to group photographs taken on the tour will be sent to the participants as an email or posted to those without internet access.
Comments, questions
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Sending a confirmation via the "send booking" area constitutes a binding booking of the respective tour. I have read, understand and accept the tour itinerary, methods of payment and the general terms of business. I understand that FarRail Tours cannot be held responsible and will not accept any liability whatsoever in the case of any accident or damage.

Your data will be sent with an SSL certificate (safe transmission). See also our Privacy Policy.

As a service to our UK-based clients FarRail Tours accepts and will continue to accept payments made out in Pound Sterling until further notice. However, please note that all prices quoted in Pound Sterling are indicative only and are subject to change without prior notice. If you're not live in the UK, your billing currency will be the Euro. Prices in Euros can be found in the German tour calendar and itinerary.

Do you agree to the terms and conditions? Please type "I agree". Please type "I agree".

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